Andrejs Skaģers
Development of biomaterial research in the Institute of Stomatology
The researches on biomaterials for bone replacement in the Institute of Stomatolgy began more than 20 years ago, when Rudolfs Cimdins and Liga Berzina-Cimdina introduced manufacturing, physical and chemical testing of such materials in Riga Technical University, Laboratory of Biomaterials, now carrying the name Rudolfs Cimdins Centre for Development and Innovations of Biomaterials. First joint publication was in the year 1994.
Within the first stage a biocompatibility on healthy animals was tested, also osteoinduction by activation of endogenous TGFβ and BMP4 was obtained. The second stage included an experimental research using animals with experimental pathology of osteoporosis. Positive local response as improvement of mineral density and mechanical strength, activation of endogenous OPG also general improvement of the same parameters were obtained.
The clinical part passed in the Institute of Stomatology at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and in the 2nd Riga Hospital at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, where more than 300 patient’s implantations of BCP granules were tested with positive results.The following institutions participated in the research: RSU Institute of Stomatology, Departments of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Diagnostic Radiology, RSU Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology, Departments of Pathology, Biology and Microbiology, Laboratories of Experimental animals and Biomechanics.Besides technical staff and supervisors the main part in research was done by doctoral students. Five from them got scientific degree Doctor of Medicine, another five are in the process for now.