Barbora Vranikova
Pharm Dr. Barbora Vranikova, Ph.D.
2016/02 – present Assistant professor
Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Akademika Heyrovského 1203, 500 05 Hradec Králové
2015/09 – 2016/01 Instructor
Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Akademika Heyrovského 1203, 500 05 Hradec Králové
2012/01 – 2015/06 Instructor
University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno, Faculty of Pharmacy, Palackého tř. 1946/1, 612 42 Brno
2011 – 2016 Postgradual study program in Pharmaceutical Technology
University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutics
2014 Advanced master study in Pharmaceutical Technology
University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutics
2006 – 2011 Master study program in Pharmacy
University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno, Faculty of Pharmacy
Research activities
Current interest: preparation and evaluation of liquisolid systems; controlled release; dissolution testing; determination of critical micelle concentration; measurement of surface tension
Publications: 14 (8 with IF; total IF 15.733)
H-index: 3
Sum of citations: 26 (WOS); 39 (SCOPUS)
Applicant and co-applicant of grants: IGA VFU Brno No. 82/2013/FaF (Effect of fillers and disintegrants on properties and dissolution profiles of liquisolid systems) and IGA VFU No. 76/20125/FaF (Formulation and evaluation of liquisolid systems with hypolipidemic drug)
Top 5 publications
VODÁČKOVÁ, P., B. VRANÍKOVÁ, P. SVAČINOVÁ, A. FRANC, J. ELBL, J. MUSELÍK, R., KUBALÁK and T. SOLNÝ. Evaluation and comparison of three types of spray dried coprocessed excipients Avicel® for direct compression. BioMed Research International. 2018, 2018: 1-15. ISSN 2314-6133. (IF2017 = 2.583)
VRANÍKOVÁ, B., S. PAVLOKOVÁ and J. GAJDZIOK. Experimental Design for Determination of Effects of Superdisintegrant Combinations on Liquisolid Systém Properties. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2017, 106(3): 817-825. ISSN 1520-6017. (IF2017 =3.075)
VRANÍKOVÁ, B., J. GAJDZIOK and P. DOLEŽEL. The effect of superdisintegrants on the properties and dissolution profiles of liquisolid tablets containing rosuvastatin. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology. 2017, 22(2): 138-147. ISSN 1083-7450. (IF2017 = 1.945)
VRANÍKOVÁ, B., J. GAJDZIOK and D. VETCHÝ. Modern Evaluation of Liquisolid Systems with Varying Amounts of Liquid Phase Prepared Using Two Different Methods. BioMed Research International. 2015, 2015: 1-12. ISSN 2314-6133. (IF2015 = 2.134)
VRANÍKOVÁ, B., J. GAJDZIOK and D. VETCHÝ. Determination of flowable liquid retention potential of aluminometasilicate carrier for liquisolid systems preparation. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology. 2015, 20(7): 839-844. ISSN 1083-7450. (IF2015 = 1.566)