Eglė Zasčiurinskienė
Benefits and risks of orthodontic treatment in subjects with periodontal disease
It is well known that orthodontic movement of teeth with reduced periodontium is possible. However, a low level of evidence exists on the effects, risks and benefits of orthodontic tooth movement on periodontal tissues.
The lecture will focus on the short analysis of the present literature on the effects of periodontal-orthodontic treatment on periodontal tissues. Also the results of a randomised control trial of 50 patients with periodontal disease, who have received periodontal-orthodontic treatment, will be presented. Changes in clinical attachment level, alveolar bone height and risk for root resorption will be analysed.
Dr. Eglė Zasčiurinskienė graduated from Kaunas University of Medicine, Faculty of Odontology (Lithuania) in 2001 and completed her postgraduate studies in orthodontics in 2005. She is a member of the Lithuanian Orthodontic Association and the European Orthodontic Society. Since 2007 she is working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Orthodontics, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. In June 2018 she defended her PhD thesis “Studies on Orthodontic Treatment in Subjects with Periodontal Disease” in Jönköping University (Sweden).