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Johanna Margrieta Vervoorn
Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam
University of Amsterdam



Virtual reality as innovation in healthcare education

The ongoing developments in Information and Computer Technology create exciting new opportunities for learning and training.

One of the applications of these developments is the creation of Virtual Reality (VR) Learning and training environments for healthcare and specifically dental education. Especially in this field of expertise it is extremely valuable to enable students to train clinical invasive procedures in an almost real but safe environment, allowing them to make mistakes and perform procedures over and over again before performing them in the real world.

Though the opportunities are increasing and the added value is clear,  implementation is slow because because of human and culture.

Various technologies and their knowledge base as well as challenges implementing these technologies will be discussed.




Education and Employment

2013-               Associate Professor of Educational Research and Development ACTA
2006-2013      Director Institute of Education ACTA
2002-2006     Coordinator Bachelor Program ACTA
1994-2001    Coordinator  Propaedeutic program ACTA
1992-             Member of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Amsterdam, ACTA
1991               PhD, University of Groningen, thesis “Denture Satisfaction”
1982-1992     Member of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Groningen
1982               Dental degree, State University of Utrecht

Current professional activities

The focus of my current activities is:
•    Research and Development in Dental Education.
•    New Technologies
•    Quality Assurance
•    Change Management