Peter Goretzki
Prof. Dr. med. Peter Goretzki
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Topic: Thyroid carcinoma – from rabbits to lions! What do we need for treatment and prognostic evaluation in 2019
Leading positions:
2001-05.2018 Chief Surgeon of Surgical Clinic 1 for General, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery - “Städtischen Kliniken Neuss – Lukaskrankenhaus“, Heinrich-Heine-University-Düsseldorf academic hospital
since 01.04.2018 Head of Endocrine Surgery at Charite – University Medicine Berlin, Charite-Campus Mitte / Campus Virchow (Director:Univ.Prof.Dr.J.Pratschke)
Further appointments:
1993 Opponent of Per Hellman`s Dr. thesis, Univ.Uppsala
1995 Opponent of Jan Zedenius` Dr. thesis Karolinska Univ.
1997 - 2000 Member of the senate of HHU-Düsseldorf
1997 Honory guest at the 1st meeting of Turkish Endocrine Surgery
1999 Invited guest at the Annual meeting of Swedish Surg.Soc.
1999 - 2003 President of the „CAEK“ – endocrine surgery group of the German Association of General and Visceral Surgery (DGAVC)
2000-2001 Humboldt – host for Prof.Dr.P.Hellmann, Uppsala
2008-2014 Leader of the IAES Postgraduate course – in endocrine surgery
2012-2015 Cooperative international scientist in EU-Project: Endocrine surgery and surgery for neuroendocrine tumors, RSU, Latvia
2015-2018 Teaching professor for RSU students at Lukaskrankenhaus Neuss
Membership on boards:
since 2001 Board member of IAES / SIC
since 1998 Faculty member of the IAES Postgraduate course – endocrine surgery
since 2003 DRG group member of DGAVC for Endocrine surgery
since 2009 Faculty member of the German Surgical Update, in charge of „Endocrine Surgery“
Prizes /Honours:
1986 R.& E.Heynen best PhD/Habilitation of the HHU 1986
1998 Dr.Günther Wille scientific prize „3 thyroid cell lines“
2013 Glorinet-Prize (Network neuroendocrine tumours - Germany)
Original articles N = 402
Overview articles N = 37
Book articles N = 51
Lectures N = > 500