Valdis Pirsko
The Consequences of New Biological Technologies – Ethical Challengies of Human Enhancement
A fundamental principle of research is the responsibility for its scientific activities, including its wider impact. The scientist must take into account public health, safety and well-being. The scientist acknowledges and adequately manages the potential harm and risks associated with his scientific activities. For example, the availability of new technologies and potential hazards: reproductive technologies and cell manipulation — three parents' children (mitochondria replacement therapy), scientists-amateurs or biohakers (do-it-yourself approach), etc.
Given the benefits and risks of new technologies, a number of ethical questions arise: Is it ethically acceptable to use new technologies for human enhancement? Does enhancement/treatment change a person's identity/human nature/value system? What are the social, ethical and economic consequences of allowing humans enhancement? Are we getting better (more moral) humans? Are the new technologies reducing responsibility for their body/action?
Lab. of Molecular Genetics, Institute of Oncology, RSU
April 2015- Present
Clinical pharmacist
Latvian Oncology centre
August 2008- September 2015
Farmacijas Akademija, Ltd
September 2012- June 2015
Delegate of Latvian hospital pharmacists
European Association of Hospital Pharmacists
2008- June 2014
Assistant of the President of PSL
Pharmacists' Society of Latvia
August 2012 - January 2013
Rigas Stradins University
Dr. Phil - PhD, Molecular Pharmacology
Rigas Stradins University
pharmacist, pharmacy, clinical pharmacy
2001 - 2006
University of Latvia
Biology, General
1996- 2001