Sünne Remmer
Sünne Remmer, MD
Forensic pathologist/radiologist
Estonian Forensic Science Institute
North Estonia Medical Centre
Sünne Remmer graduated from University of Tartu, Faculty of Medicine in 2009. She completed the residency in pathology and forensic medicine in 2013 and the residency in radiology in 2018. She has been working as a forensic pathologist at the Estonian Forensic Science Institute since 2013 and as a radiologist at the North Estonia Medical Centre since 2018. She is a member of the Estonian Association of Forensic Doctors, the Estonian Society of Radiology, the European Society of Radiology and the International Society for Forensic Radiology and Imaging. Her research interests include forensic biochemistry and paleoradiology.
Presentation title: Post mortem radiological investigations
S. Remmer, Estonian Forensic Science Institute
Post mortem computed tomography (PMCT) and magnet resonance imaging (PMMRI) complement traditional autopsy in determining the cause of death and the presence of injuries. At the Estonian Forensic Science Institute, we have been using PMCT and PMMRI since 2010.
PMCT has proved to be indispensable in detecting certain types of fractures and the presence of gas or air embolism. Some soft tissue injuries can be demonstrated by PMMRI, although conventional autopsy remains the key method for detecting external injuries and organ pathology. 3D reconstructions are useful for presenting injuries in the court of law.