Zane Jaunmuktane
Zane Jaunmuktane
Department of Clinical and Movement Neurosciences, Queen Square Brain Bank and the Division of Neuropathology, University College London, Queen Square Institute of Neurology, UK
After graduating from Riga Stradins University in 2006 and completing pathology training in 2010, Zane moved to London, United Kingdom in 2011 to continue specialty training in diagnostic neuropathology. After completing neuropathology training in the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery and becoming a Fellow of Royal College of Pathologists (FRCPath) in 2014, Zane in 2016 was appointed as clinical lecturer and honorary consultant neuropathologist in the Department of Clinical and Movement Neurosciences, Queen Square Brain Bank and the Division of Neuropathology, University College London, Queen Square Institute of Neurology. Her expertise and research interest is in neurodegenerative diseases and molecular diagnostics of brain tumours. She is particularly interested in implementing in routine clinical practice advanced molecular technologies for brain tumour classification, such as epigenetic profiling of neoplasms with methylation arrays.